Thursday, September 13, 2007


After taking about 50 pictures here are the only two that were in focus, had him in the frame and where his teeth were visible. I know they are kind of small but that is the best I could do. I had to tickle him for about a half an hour straight.

We just watched an episode of You Want To Be A Superhero and we decided that we would call Judah Toothboy. He is beginning to look so much like a actually kid and less like a baby that we are not sure if NinjaBaby applies anymore. For now Toothboy it is. His superpower is to butt his head against things in a really fast headbanging motion as seen on the previous videos.

By the way we are all fine. There was a big earthquake of the coast of Sumatra. Apparently some people could feel it in Jakarta but we didn't notice it. I don't believe there is really any fear of a tsunami now but we will see as time passes.


kdorn said...

I am so glad that ya'll are alright. I heard there was a second earthquake so definitely keep everyone posted so we know you're safe. :)

Judah is the cutest little boy! I can't believe how much he's changed since I saw him in June! I miss you guys already. It was so nice to see you. We were in Oregon for 10 days last week and it was awesome. DEFINITELY a place we'd want to live if we can give up the gorgeous S.C. weather.

Gramma Jane said...

Loved the pics. Can't believe how big Judah is getting. He doesn't even look like he did this summer. Keep the pics coming.

Alicia Duell said...

OK Grant, let's get this show on the road-- I need more pictures of Judah! Miss you guys and hope you're doing well. See you in IL...?