Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Who's That Hot Mama?

I hope Leah does not read this blog because this last weekend I met a new girl. She is a super beautiful red head! Luckily she doesn't mind that I have a kid...

If you look carefully, his left ear is red and swollen. He got bit by a stupid mosquito last night.

Here are some more pics of our totally awesome son. I hope no one gets too jealous. I promise that we don't leave him in his play toy all of the time. He does love it though. These are some of the subdued pics because all of the ones where he was laughing he was totally spazzing out and they came out blurry. You saw how spastic he can get from the video.

I just recently left a blog on our other site of an interesting story about my weekend, so if you are care please check it out...




jaysenpluto said...

Those are some awesome quality photos! (digital?) I couldn't help but notice that when you said "Judah?" he responded!!! Does he know his name now?

ps. Leah- your hair looks great!!

Liz said...

Hi guys--
So when's the next update coming? We keep checking back for new pictures etc -- Judah must be so big by now! Update soon so those of us stuck in the boring old U.S. of A. can satisfy their wanderlust vicariously through you.

Nick and Liz